Access Archived Teams

At the end of each academic year, all Teams are archived ready for the new academic year. This guide will show you how you can access these Teams to access historic conversations, files and assignments.

How can I access archived Teams?

When Teams are archived they are moved to another view. This allows you to easily identify archived teams.

Select the cog from either the righthand side in the tile layout or the bottom left from the list layout, and select ‘Manage Teams’

Top Tip: Use the Switch view option to switch between tiled and list layout.

Tiled layout
List layout

Within Manage teams you will see all of your active and archived Teams. Expand Archived to see all of your archived Teams. Select the Team name to navigate to the Team. From the Team you will be able to see all of the historic conversations, files and assignments.

How can I restore an archived Team?

Please contact your IT support team for support restoring or migrating a Team.

Updated on 3rd September 2021

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